Friday, 18 January 2008

Future Thoughts

I have been absent for some time now - we still do not have Broadband and I will not lament that state of affairs in this post - needless to say the Internets in Australia need an over haul and I hope a re structure.

Any hoo - I have a job interview on Wednesday for a Full Time position at Council - Woot to me!!! That means I will be earning about the same as Anjel and at last we can really start to plan for a better future... what the Mortgage and all we really need to get ahead on that so we can build up equity and look for other things we can invest in for our financial future.

So I have been having Future Thoughts... what will life be like with a new job - permanent high levels of income... well for a start we can pay off a few debts and start looking forward to a time when we can get a new bathroom or a new kitchen or a newer car or even a new computer or an Xbox360 for me!!!

For a start I think I would settle for a new hard drive - I am having issues with my C-drive and I think my Video card need new drivers or else I might need a new card as well... spots on my monitors... yuck!

Well that is a start to the return of the Strange Blog... hopefully now that I at least have dial-up I can update some things on here and stay in touch with ya'all!
