Friday, 23 December 2011

Guitar Playing and more

So this year I had a goal... to learn to play one song all the way through on the guitar.

I have owned a guitar for many years starting with a 3/4 I got sometime in high school... but I never really learned to play - sure I could muck about and run maybe a few chords together or follow a mate (slowly) with basic chords but not really play a tune someone would recognise. So this year I decided to go the whole shebang and get lessons.

I found out about a local guy who teaches from his home studio - he had taught another mate of mine and I knew his step son and wife (I live in a small world - I laugh about there being only 1 degree of separation between me and anyone else and in most cases this is true). So I emailed him to see if he had a vacancy and yes he did and on a night I could do...

That was around April this year... I spent a term (10 weeks) with him and time took over so I had a break and went back for the last term... I did learn to play a whole song, in fact I have several under my belt and can even work out new ones from TAB found on the net...

However, what really make me happy is that the other night Tinman came over and we where talking music and Alex Day's new song and his goal to be Number 1 on the UK Charts etc. As we where discussing music I got out the guitar to play a few songs - Tinman sings very well!!! We went through my repertoire and Tinman not only could sing along... (that is I played stuff he recognised) but he even mentioned that I had learnt a heap of songs... (over a dozen in my music book and more on the computer in TAB form)

My goal was one song... I have not only reached that but am now able - with a bit of extra work - able to play most songs I want to... I have really only just started to play around with Barr chords and hammers and adding little flourishes etc but I can play basic songs...

All that before the end of the year... perfect - Achievement Unlocked... what will I do next year to beat that... maybe build that guitar I have been working on... maybe...


Fable said...

Great job!

Unknown said...

Cheers Fable! When you visit I can play for you!