Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Tarot and John

First up a big and hearty thanks to Constance who has just posted a tarot reading of yours truly and other regular visitors to her site. Go here and have a look. My main concern with this reading - aside from the 'I'm not so sure I believe this' - is that I got the same two cards that I got last time she read me. Either there is something wrong with the way that the odds work or I really should listen to what she has to say!!!

On the other hand I have been blessed with the hand of John, it seems my post on the Weekend Assignment was well received. To the point where I am in the first position on his follow up post. Woot excitement and other fun expressions. First time posting and he liked it enough to link it. My day is complete, I don't have to work anymore because I am far to happy! Just be sure to pass that along to my boss - thanks.

I will also mention that the others on the list are worth a read although some of the tips are a little... well unnecessary for someone who does not live near bears... I am still interested in using Mountain Dew as a marinade...

We'll I suppose seeing that you all haven't called my boss yet I will have to go back to work. Bye

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